Friday, December 10, 2010


So "kasihan" when someone die bcaz of love~~~many ppl die bcaz of love...why they all canot seriously to their love!!!!!Love is everything....when u wan to broke up ,pls dun hurt thier heart to in ♥if u broke up with someone but u are hurt they to in,one day u will"menyesal">>>>sometime they maybe will suicide when their heart are too is important,not for play play @.@ ♥ ♥

Monday, November 15, 2010

Contact Lens

Yesterday,i gt the water for contact len then when i go back home i quickly go to bath ...later i eat then i go to the room for try the contact len>>>atcually i am so happy bcaz i can wear contact len!!!!Later i try to open the contact len then i started try to wear it..When i wear it my eye like can't open>>>>then i call my friend then my friend say" first time wear is like this">>>>>the contact len is buy from my friend,Liang Jun Yu as my b'day present...i juz nid to buy the water for wash and put in side

Sunday, July 11, 2010