Tuesday, August 27, 2013


       If she not my cousin,she consider is my childhood.We play and chat together since we born.I like to shared my stories to her especially my love story because...I also don't know why?What happen at school sure I will tell her.
Laugh together

Chat together
OMG.She make 'pig' face . :p

Sunday, August 25, 2013


  Everything begin in this year :)
On that day,we hang out at Aeon,Station 18.

On 13 August,I went to your house.
First time go ISC with Fardinaz :D
  • Close with her in this year
  • Hang out together in this year
  • Take picture together in this year
  • Went to her house in this year
  • Share our BEST STORIES together in this year

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


爱,是你知道了我所有缺点坏脾气却还是包容 。
爱,是天凉了你让我多穿一件的关心 。
爱,是我们会实现有彼此的未来 。
I hate myself for falling in love at you..I should not like you because this thing really shouldn't happen.I always lie myself when i face this love problem.I hate you.I hate myself.I'm too tired to think about this thing anymore.From the first time I met you,I never think before that I'll fall in love at you.

