Tuesday, May 12, 2015


So this is my Form 6 life with my bestie. Gonna restart my 
school life again. I've bad memories when my
Form 5 life. That a reason I wanna restart
my new school life. Wanna make some sweet
memories with them, I really feel lucky to have them
in this new school especially Yinning. She is my
super duper best friend in this new school. Oh ya! Forgot to
mention my school. So now I in Anglo Chinese School.
In short form which mean ACS. WOHOO! Seem like really
 need to be careful when you study this school. The reason is
simple which is CO-ED School. Firstly I told
can see lengzai in this school but when pass day by
day , I became hopeless. HAHAHAHA 
That is not many chances for me to find
new friends which are boys. HAHAHAH 
When I think proberly
I should'nt think about love or any relatioship
anymore cause all subject become harder.