Wednesday, December 9, 2015



Saturday, November 21, 2015


She is so cute :3

I like her boylish attitude cause
that is the real she.

Sunday, November 1, 2015


I'm not really understand my feeling.
The moment I saw you,I'll 
automatically smile.
the moment I saw you with 
another girl,my heart felt nothing.
How come I don't have any
jealousy when you with another girl.
I took this chance to
stop thinking about you.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Reason I smile

are the only reason I smile stupidly.
are the only reason my heart races.
are the only reason I become nervous.

Monday, October 26, 2015

A long journey #throwback

 Have a lunch with them before hiking. Such 
a wonderful day and beautiful
memories with them. Our conversation
never end cause we have too 
many thing share :) Me and Emilyn ordered same 
set while Yin Ning ordered same with
Li Lian include drinks too. The place 
is awesome cause the menu set is
damn cheap and reasonable . But then the 
taste is not so good just like
the price . Hahahah :D
Boy Brigade organize a hiking
activity for junior to gain co-curricular marks.
But... also not so high marks hahah :D
Seriously this Gunung Kledang
isn't easy to hike cause the road 
is narrow. I had a lot of fun and memorize
with all my friends and senior.
Luckily I brought a towel cause I already
expected I'll have lot of sweats.

POWER #throwback

First time ever taken this type of photo. Thanks
to our senior to help me and my friends have 
this experience. Finally,I knew the 
power of an expensive camera hahah.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Keep going❀

                          Life is getting hard as you move on. There wont be any easy ways for us to achieve our dream . We have to work hard to get what we want. Continue my study to Form 6 is one of my way to achieve my dream.. Now I'm on the half and I knew I should keep going even hard. Sometimes life is wonderful when we less care about useless thing . LIFE IS SHORT . In short,life is just like roller coaster. It has its ups and downs.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

CAMP 2015

I'm so glad that followed my friend to join camp . I've
make a lot new friends. Besides,I've learned
value independent,responsible and lot.
The main purpose for this camp is let
children to enjoy
themselves. And
 I'm from 团康 team.
Here are my teammates <3>

Angeline,Girrafe,Ace,Tengdang :D

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


So this is my Form 6 life with my bestie. Gonna restart my 
school life again. I've bad memories when my
Form 5 life. That a reason I wanna restart
my new school life. Wanna make some sweet
memories with them, I really feel lucky to have them
in this new school especially Yinning. She is my
super duper best friend in this new school. Oh ya! Forgot to
mention my school. So now I in Anglo Chinese School.
In short form which mean ACS. WOHOO! Seem like really
 need to be careful when you study this school. The reason is
simple which is CO-ED School. Firstly I told
can see lengzai in this school but when pass day by
day , I became hopeless. HAHAHAHA 
That is not many chances for me to find
new friends which are boys. HAHAHAH 
When I think proberly
I should'nt think about love or any relatioship
anymore cause all subject become harder.