Thursday, March 24, 2011


Bad luck :( On tuesday i bring my handphone to skul but my luck is really very bad is "kena rampas"by teacher....De teacher take my handphone and then send it to Pn.Yin then Pn.Yin say tomorow(Wednesday,23/3/2011) see Mrs Lee at 12.00 p.m. but Mrs.Lee was very busy so i never go and see her!!!!Then today i wanna go to see her then i ask Yin Ning to 'teman' me.While i wanna go and see Mrs.Lee i was very scare..>>>so i call Yin Ning to help me see wat Mrs. Lee are doing and she is free anot???but many time she help me 2 see,many time gt many ppl wanna to see Mrs.Lee...AIYOYOH @.@ So tomorow i nedd to be brave and see Mrs.Lee...If my headmistress is nt so 'garang'i will go and see her more fastly...i hope i could handle it my problem...this time i was in a big trouble...

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